Tuesday, 17 September 2019

Smart Relationships!

Hello again! Today we made posters on https://www.postermywall.com. Here's mine: Design created with PosterMyWall

Monday, 16 September 2019

Supreme Squash!

Last week I was in a squash tournament. It wasn't a serious one with a humongous audience but we just faced people from our school and we had a few parents. Despite the fact that I lost all three of my games, I still had lots of fun. I had a few relays and good serves. Most of my serves were really bad, as in rolling on the floor. My bad serves let me down the most because every time I did a serve like that a point would go to the person facing me which was inconvenient for me because the people I was facing were far better than me. But it's ok. If you didn't know what squash was and you are really confuzzled, think of it as tennis against a wall. Squash and tennis are really similar so if you know how to do tennis squash is a good way of extending that knowledge. I was hoping I'd have some photos of our tournament but I don't think they took photos and my dad probably forgot to. This is what a squash court looks like:

Monday, 9 September 2019

Book Club!

Usually in sharp reading, we unpack sentences and read a story in group together. This worked very well in our class but our teachers took it up a notch and started book club! We've been doing this for a while. They started with one group but since that was pretty successful they did it with three other groups. Basically, they choose a book and we get one each to read at school. There is about six people in each group, and everyone gets the same book. For example we start reading from page 88 on Thursday and have to be on page 139 by Tuesday. It's a good way to ensure we do reading mileage. My group is reading The Giver by Lois Lowry, it is a interesting book. This is what it looks like if you are interested in reading it:

Tuesday, 27 August 2019

Power Play!

Have you heard of a quick write?
Well, If you haven't, it's a piece of writing with as many words as you can fit in your story. Of course it has to make sense but you only have 10 minutes to write. Anyway, I'm going to tell you what power play is. At the start of any literacy session we have to do 20 minutes of silent reading, then, we move on to our quick write.

Wednesday, 21 August 2019

Write That Essay!

In our class we do this programme called Write That Essay. There are different chapters and in order to move up a chapter you need to complete the following in order:

  • Read the module
  • Do the activities to a high standard
  • Get 100% on the quiz relevant to the activity
Once you have done that, check with teacher to see if you move up. The idea is to improve our knowledge for writing to prepare us for the future. Write That Essay also allows teachers to give assignments for students. Also, in our class we have been going over the 12 sentence structures and doing fun writes with WTE. At the moment, I'm on Preparation, the second chapter. I have done the module and I'm close to finishing the activities. As you can see I don't do the activities in order but that is fine. This is what it looks like:

Tuesday, 13 August 2019

Super Speech!

Hi, and welcome back to my blog! Over the last 3 or 4 weeks we have been working on our speeches. Whether it's persuasive or stating why you love cats. My speech topic is - why we should all exercise. I think this was a good speech topic for me to write about because I think it's vital to living a healthy life. The thing I did well was getting facts and lots of research done to backup my ideas. The thing I could do to improve my speech is make it longer; when I presented it I could've spoken clearer. Here it is:

Tuesday, 2 July 2019

Tuesday, 11 June 2019


Hello, and welcome back to my blog. Today I have created a screencastify giving you a tour or my Mathletics account and what's on the website. I hope you enjoy it and give me some positive feedback in the comments.

Tuesday, 4 June 2019