Wednesday, 11 November 2020


 Today we had to create our own postcard using our prior Photoshop knowledge. I was buddies with Elenor and she had to make a postcard for a place I want to go making me jealous or convinced about the place and vice versa. She had photo shopped herself into Greece and I photo shopped myself into the Maldives. Here are the results:

Wednesday, 4 November 2020

We won a Tesla!

 Today in Manaiakalni, we had to create our own fake image or video to trick people online. Obviously, we didn't actually post them on social media. My buddy was Chanelle, and we photo shopped ourselves onto a Tesla that we "won" from David Dobrick. I found this task quite easy as it was pretty straight forward and clear to understand. Here are the results:

Monday, 19 October 2020

Mad Media!

 For today's task, we had to create some sort of poster describing what kinds of media there is and as a class we made a shared definition of what media is. Basically, everyone in our class put down social media and games to define media. But media can be other things like newspapers, documentaries, the news, and others. Anyway, here is what Sarah, Emma, and I made:

Wednesday, 19 August 2020

Snazzy Sarah

 Over four weeks, we went to the tonui collab to do collaborative challenges and create our own game. I made a game about a girl called Sarah. And since it is a human, you only get one life. 

I found it hard to find some blocks and do the coding because I am not that smart in that area. I also found it quite easy to make my tile map and create a theme and concept. The person who helped us make these games was a person called Mac. He was very kind and holds a world record for the biggest score on flappy bird ever recorded. Some advice for you if you end up making your own game, listen to your teachers and pay attention. Otherwise, you will struggle a lot. If you land on the water or lava, you die. A game name I came up with originally was You only live once, but I decided I didn't like it. I felt like sharing that. Click on the picture to play my awesome game. 

Wednesday, 22 July 2020

Game from Scratch!

Today Mr Fourie taught us how to remix our own game on scratch. Someone from Boys high made one based on Maui so we used his coding to make our own game. I found it quite hard to upload my character because when I tried to put a different character the code didn't apply properly. It was reasonably easy to change the character and background. We are using a learning platform called Tipu, it helps us to learn basic maori and a kind of concept I guess. Mr Huhu's friends are the creators and they also were kind enough to send us complimentary playing cards to practise our knowledge!

Image result for scratch logo

Monday, 29 June 2020

Copyright Collage!

We were learning about copyrighting. We need to be careful when using images online because you get get hug fines for taking things you're not supposed to. But it could be on accident, you maybe didn't filter your google search and used a picture of a dog for your vet clinic. Then you were confused when they gave you that 3 thousand dollar fine. Anyway, this is my collage of images that are safe to use. Try and guess what they mean.

Tuesday, 9 June 2020

Terrific Tipu

For a Manaikalni challenge we made videos with sentences from our maori language platform, Tipu. Here is Chanelle and I's video. 

Roland Fish

Last week for SHARP we had to make a news interview with Roland Fish and characters from the story. Roland is a tall and awkward kid. He is Tim O'Malley's-the school bully- main prospect. He finally stands up for him. Here is my groups video.

Wednesday, 3 June 2020

An interview with a humanoid!?

For our Sharp task we had to crate a news report based on our story we read in sharp. I was partenered with Elenor, SIerra, Jenaya and Ella. Here is our video:

Thursday, 28 May 2020

How to hold a computer properly:

Hi, today me and Libby created a wevideo skit to show people how to hold a computer while walking. it is important to take care of your device because if it breaks, your parents or school will not be happy. Computers are not toys! Check out Libby's blog with this link.

Thursday, 21 May 2020

Perle's Video!

We had to make a we video that described our blog. So, this is what I made. I learnt to do animations on we video. It was quite fun and I enjoyed seeing the outcome.

Thursday, 14 May 2020

Perles New Wevideo!

If you saw my last attempt at the weideo you probably agree with me that that it was pretty bad. So, I made a new one! Itried a bit harder this time but even after 6 tries I can't get the timing right. Otherwise, here is my new video. P.S I had to screencastify the video because I had uploading issues.

Tuesday, 5 May 2020

Garden Finds!

For our daily challenge, we had to look for these categories in our gardens. There was:

  • Fuzzy
  • Green
  • Alive
  • Smooth
  • Rough
  • Treasure
  • Beautiful
  • Ugly
  • Dark
  • Thin
  • Tail
  • Little
  • Round
  • Makes noise
  • Bright
  • Yellow
I didn't manage to get my round image through but this is a collage of what I did:

Friday, 1 May 2020

Isolation Art!

Another challenge for Maniakalani, we had to find different shapes that secretly resemble letters to sppell things like our names. It was a bit challenging to come up with ideas but it was also really fun. This is what I made:

Thursday, 30 April 2020

ANZAC 2020

In honour of the ANZACs, our class were assigned to make ANZAC slide shows. Though we cannot attend the parade this year, we did some small projects to show that we will remember them. I was paired with Chanelle, and together we made this.


For Manaiakalani we were challenged to make our own ANZAC silhouette. Mr Fourie gave us videos on how to use Canvas, the platform we used to create them, and we are posting them on our blogs! The point of doing this was to make our own artifacts instead of using copyrighted images. This was really fun to make and really easy to use. Here is my design:

Wednesday, 22 April 2020

Anne Frank, the Amazing!

For Manaiakalani this week, we were assigned to make an animation about any war story. I just so happened to be reading Anne Franks diary, so, I decided I would use her as my topic. Although I hadn't finished the book yet and I may have spoilt it for myself, it is still good to read all the details. It took me roughly three days to finish. I'm quite proud of the result, but, if I could improve, I would like to make it slower on some bits so that people can see it better. Other than that I am pleased with whaat I have achieved.

Wednesday, 18 March 2020

About Me 2020

Welcome back to my school blog!
We were learning about polylining, learning how to create GIFs and more! I found it really fun, and I attempted polylining but found out I wasn't the best best at it.
I found it easy to publish my drawing to the web and function the resources. I also was able to help others with my advantages of this being my third year of Manaiakalani.
I found it hard to cut out my picture, so I got help from Quinn. She had to edit it in another app, and then import it to my drawing.
I really enjoyed making it and seeing what my friends did as well. It was cool to see the different designs people thought of.
Next time I need to take a picture with more light, and make my name bolder. Except, it is quite difficult to take quality pictures with my camera. 

Thursday, 5 March 2020